difficult to solve 意味

  • difficult to solve


  1. however , he fled to shigenori toki of mino because it was difficult to solve the differences between him and his older brother yoshimasa .


        difficult-to-solve problem:    容易{ようい}に解決{かいけつ}できない問題{もんだい}
        have no difficult problems to solve:    解決{かいけつ}すべき難問{なんもん}[難題{なんだい}?厄介{やっかい}な問題{もんだい}]は何もない
        solve difficult problems:    難問{なんもん}をさばく
        solve the difficult problem:    難問を片付ける
        solve the difficult question of:    ~の難問題{なんもんだい}を解決{かいけつ}する
        difficult hurdle to solve without hardship:    苦難{くなん}することを免れ得ない困難{こんなん}な障壁{しょうへき}
        difficult to solve solely by schools alone:    《be ~》学校{がっこう}のみで解決{かいけつ}するのは困難{こんなん}である
        try to solve a difficult crossword puzzle:    難問題{なんもんだい}に取り組む、難しいクロスワード?パズルを解こうとする
        solve:     solve v. 解決する. 【副詞1】 The problem can be easily solved. その問題は簡単に解決がつく. 【+前置詞】 She solved the problem by reworking the software. ソフトウェアを作り直すことでその問題を解決した She solved the problem with
        solve for:    ~について解く
        to solve:    to solve 判じる はんじる 説き明かす ときあかす 解く とく
        difficult:     difficult adj. 困難な, 難しい; 扱いにくい; 気難しい. 【副詞】 an extremely difficult issue きわめて難しい問題 Computer science is fascinatingly difficult. コンピューターサイエンスは難しいだけにおもしろくもある This problem is formidab
        not easy to solve:    《be ~》簡単{かんたん}には解けない
        problem solve:    {自動} :
        problem-solve:    {自動} : 問題{もんだい}を解決{かいけつ}する


  1. "difficult to resolve" 意味
  2. "difficult to say no" 意味
  3. "difficult to say no to" 意味
  4. "difficult to say which is better" 意味
  5. "difficult to sell in view of the situation of" 意味
  6. "difficult to solve solely by schools alone" 意味
  7. "difficult to sustain without economic progress" 意味
  8. "difficult to tell which is better" 意味
  9. "difficult to translate" 意味
  10. "difficult to say which is better" 意味
  11. "difficult to sell in view of the situation of" 意味
  12. "difficult to solve solely by schools alone" 意味
  13. "difficult to sustain without economic progress" 意味

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